Delivering this message from a snowy Lancaster, Pa.
We didn’t plan it this way, folks! But today, Feb. 3, is a fitting day to share the news with you – at least it’s fitting here at Hippo Headquarters in snowy Lancaster, Pa. and in much of the northeast. To our readers in warmer areas, use your imagination. (And send sun!)
This year’s theme is, drumroll please:
Weather & Acts of Nature
From storms and sprinkles to earthquakes and extreme heat, Mother Nature can pack a punch or paint a pretty picture. Weather can be wacky and wild. And weather can be calm.
Weather often plays a character in our everyday—and not so everyday—lives. We’re seeking tales in which the weather or even a natural disaster played a significant or supporting role.
To be clear, we’re not specifically looking for stories just about bad weather or destruction; instead, we seek any personal essay or memoir excerpt related to the weather in some way. Bad weather is OK too; we just want to reiterate that we mean ALL weather. Maybe you dated a meteorologist? Perhaps you were stuck at an airport for a day and made an unlikely friend… Maybe the sun came out at JUST the right time… Perhaps there’s a story behind your umbrella…
Also of note: we’re not looking for essays/articles/opinion pieces solely about why climate change does or does not exist—Hippo is not the venue for that.
We’re open to submissions for this issue now through April 30; submissions should adhere to our usual guidelines.
Have fun! We look forward to your weather stories.
Submit Now
To give you an idea of what we might be looking for, here are a few past Hippocampus stories in which weather played a role. These stories weren’t submitted for a weather theme, but they’re great examples from our archives.
- Blaze of Gloria (hurricane)
- Blessed Are the Snow Gods (snow)
- Cold Feet (snow)
- Demanding This (snow)
- Driving Alone (snow)
- If You Could Explain It (meteor shower)
- Roe Vs. Wade (snow)
- The Sky Turns Blue and the Sun Appears (rain)
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