In a day where we look at photos online, scan in concert or play “tickets” at the door, send texts to thank someone, post happy birthday wishes to Facebook, and collect and make other intangible memories or shows of affection and appreciation, we’re starting to mourn personal keepsakes and mementos.
Share your piece of creative nonfiction (up to 4,000 words) about an item that means something to you. Maybe it lives in your attic, a shoebox or a storage locker. Or maybe it’s displayed on a shelf or around your neck…. Maybe you no longer have it, and long to have it back. Whatever it is, wherever it is, we want to know about it, the story behind it, the meaning it brings.
Maybe the idea of “keepsakes” has another interpretation for you – and we’d like to see those stories too, as long as the connection is clear.
We invite you to submit your best creative nonfiction piece related to this theme for consideration for our July 2018 issue.
Deadline: March 15, 2018
About our theme issues: Hippocampus Magazine has produced an annual theme issue since its first year; past topics include: rock -n- roll, road trip, weather and mother nature, guilty pleasures and vices, firsts, and stranger(s).