I Thought I Knew Them by Nancy Barnes May 5, 2020 I am opening the last boxes of my parents’ personal papers, boxes I’ve carted with me on many moves. Read the full story →
Shorthand by Donna M. Magnotta May 5, 2020 When I was ten years old, I came across a note written in some kind of secret code. Read the full story →
The Simplest Recipe Jess Flarity May 5, 2020 Try not to cry into the batter or the cookies will be too salty. Read the full story →
He Looked Small by Mallory Olivia Taylor May 5, 2020 He looked small in his hospital bed. No smaller than usual, but still, the nurses must have considered him a small man. Read the full story →
The Capacity of a Human by Linda Anne Silver May 5, 2020 …the need comes after our fifty-year-old daughter dies on a midsummer’s morning and we are numb: wanting to flee the sadness, not knowing how to move forward. Read the full story →
My Husband Got a Bad Haircut by Jillian Pretzel May 5, 2020 “Why don’t I cut your hair next time?” I asked. Read the full story →
The Kill Switch by Michelle Willms May 5, 2020 It surprised me to see Michael standing beside me one day, his unfinished project in hand. Read the full story →
CRAFT: How to Structure and Organize Your Memoir with Visual Techniques by Kathy Pooler May 5, 2020 At a time when you might be struggling to stay focused and make progress on your memoir, visual techniques might be helpful… Read the full story →
WRITING LIFE: Climbing Mount Fuji by Marie G. Coleman May 5, 2020 Curious words spilled on to the page. Read the full story →
REVIEW Rock On: Mining for Joy in the Deep River of Sibling Grief by Susan E. Casey May 5, 2020 Grief books and essays often focus on the loss of a spouse, child, or parent; Susan E. Casey puts the spotlight on siblings. Read the full story →