Alumni & Contributor Updates: Summer 2024

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We’re always pleased to share updates from our family of contributor-alumni and HippoCamp presenters. Here’s what we’ve collected between our last update now; most of these were submitted via our form, but we also try to keep an eye for exciting news you share on social and your own newsletters. But we can’t catch everything, and we’d really LOVE to grow this feature, so please submit your news here for inclusion in a future update.

[To browse our past essays and other content by contributor name, visit this page.]

Joanna Brichetto’s This is How a Robin Drinks: Essays on Urban Nature (Trinity University Press), releases on Sept. 24, 2024. It’s an urban almanac of 52 short, lyrical CNF pieces, including one published in Hippocampus. Joanna writes about everyday wonders in everyday habitat loss at, and on Instagram (@Jo_Brichetto).

Ben Decter’s musical “It’s All Your Fault, Tyler Price!” will premiere November 14, 2024 in Los Angeles.

Pietra Dunmore’s essay “Up For Grabs,” is published in the anthology Mama, Martyrs, and Jezebels: myths, legends, and other lies you’ve been told about Black women by Black Lawrence Press.

Amy Fish has just published her first poetry chapbook Honeymoon Sneakers: A Cautionary Tale (Cactus Press 2024). It’s a creative non-fiction story told through a series of linked poems.

An excerpt from Herb Harris’s memoir, The Space Between, was picked as an editors’ choice selection for the 2023 CRAFT Memoir Excerpt & Essay Contest.

Nathan Leslie’s novel A Fly in the Ointment was released by Apprentice House (Loyola University Maryland) in May 2023. This was his twelfth book of fiction. Nathan also won the 2019 Washington Writers’ Publishing House prize for fiction.

Anne Pinkerton published the essay, “My brother died and people acted as if I shouldn’t be so sad” in the Boston Globe on April 11. Anne also presented a workshop on writing through loss for the inaugural Surviving Sibling Summit on April 20.

Paul Rousseau’s debut, Friendly Fire: A Fractured Memoir (HarperCollins 2024) is available for preorder.

Casey Mulligan Walsh’s essay, “What We Keep/Ancient Hope Chest,” was included in the anthology Daring to Breathe: Stories of Living With the Foreverness of Grief (The Press at California State University, Fresno, January 2024), edited by Armen Bacon and Nancy Miller. Casey’s memoir, The Full Catastrophe: All I Ever Wanted, Everything I Feared, is forthcoming from Motina Books in February 2025.


If you’re a past/current volunteer, contributor, or conference speaker and you have news to share, you can submit it here.

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