Meet the Team: 5 Questions With Marsh Rose

This is a recurring series to introduce, celebrate, and elevate our amazing crew of volunteers.


In this installment of the Meet the Team series we talk to Marsh Rose, a freelance writer, novelist, psychotherapist, and college educator—and past Hippocampus contributor. Her second novel, Escape Routes, was published by Sunbury Press in 2021.

What made you volunteer to read for Hippocampus?

A fan of many years.

Aside from Hippocampus (which is obviously the bee’s knees), what other literary mags and organizations rock your world?

Creative Nonfiction, New Millennium Writings, Rumpus, Carve Magazine.

If you were a particular form of creative nonfiction (CNF) what would you be and why?

Memoir, because it’s what I read and write.

What have you written that you are most proud of, and why?

Ooo, easy question. “And Then There Was Dad,” because it got published in Hippocampus.

What are you writing now that excites you, and why?

A book-length memoir, exciting because I’m taking it through a six-month master class with Marion Roach Smith and it’s kicking my butt. (I mean, I’m not excited that it’s kicking my butt because that would be weird. Excited to see the light at the end of the tunnel and pretty sure it’s not a train.)


Thanks, Marsh, for all you do for Hippocampus Magazine. Readers, stay tuned for more Meet the Team features here and, in abbreviated form, on Instagram. In the meantime, learn more about our all-volunteer staff here.

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