Category: Interviews

Our archive of interviews with authors, publishers, agents, filmmakers, and other literary and publishing professionals.

Interview: David Lazar, author/editor

The last two summers, I’ve had the good fortune to spend a week in June at Chautauqua Institution in New York where I do readings and teach writing workshops. On a particularly balmy Sunday afternoon, I sat on the porch of the Writer’s Center listening to that week’s prose writer-in-residence, David Lazar. His discussion focused…

Interview: Alan Watt, author of The 90-Day Novel

alan watt in hat in front of lake

I encourage students in my writing workshops to “write through” with the purpose of getting the story out of their heads and onto the page…. As the author of The 90-Day Novel, Watt has taken that writerly advice and created a successful step-by-step approach to story.

Interview: Dani Shapiro

dani shapiro

Years ago I was in a little Cape Cod town poking around in its delightfully tiny indie bookshop with aisles so narrow that you had to walk sideways. I came across Dani Shapiro’s memoir Slow Motion…

Interview: Linda Joy Myers, President and Founder of National Association of Memoir Writers

linda joy meyers

There is a wide divide between reality and remembering, and the memoirist is often left alone in his or her struggle to straddle that gap.

That’s why organizations such as the National Association of Memoir Writers, or NAMW, are so vital to a memoirist’s world. It’s the most important thing you can do for yourself as a writer: surround yourself with other writers. And for memoirists in particular, it’s often therapeutic to meet and converse with others who are facing the same challenges.

Review: Queering the Tranny by Alex Drummond

cover of queering the tranny

A transgender and Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapist from the United Kingdom, Alex Drummond is out to help a 21st world better understand the notion of gender. In reality, western society in general takes gender for granted: We are born either male or female. It is a black-and-white issue with no room for asterisks, footnotes or alternatives.