Category: Essays

A Snip Decision by Jim Gray

bag of frozen peas on couch

In her right hand she holds a blue disposable razor. In her left hand, held taut to smooth the surface and expedite shaving, is my scrotum. My testicles are being prepped for a vasectomy.

Distant Relatives by Dawn Zera

pieces of white paper with different family member type names, family in forefront with wife, son, mother, etc. surrounding

A short, bald man winks at me. His buckteeth bite on his lower lip. His eyes bounce up and down off my double Ds. He opens his arms wide and says, as if relieved we’ve finally reconnected, “Roseanne.”

Learning to Drive by William Hoffacker

hands on steering wheel

I look over to my father’s seat, trying to see where his foot meets the gas pedal. His shorts end just above his knees, and his legs are covered in fur-like hairs that my own legs have only begun to sprout… I’m wondering how big you have to be before you can drive a car.

Up, Down by Kel Kennedy

airplane entering cloudy sky

Yesterday, you bought kitschy souvenirs in Chinatown. You rode—on the outside!—of a streetcar…Today, you are returning to the routine of your life in Louisville: to the day job, and the bills, and the being too busy to really write the way you want.