Registration closes at 2 p.m. eastern, 8/13.
Our volunteer editors are incredible humans — and their expertise goes well beyond their roles at Hippocampus, and even the literary world. In this session full of brief sessions, you’ll take away plenty of practical knowledge about writing, publishing, marketing, and living the creative life. Oh… and this event also serves as special preview of an TBA series from Hippocampus Magazine!
Note: This is ONE OF THREE events we’re hosting the weekend of the 12-13th! Read about all of them here.
This webinar session will feature:
How to Survive That Angsty First Year After Your Book Pubs (Steph Auteri, essays editor)
We’ve all heard of postpartum book depression. I can confirm: the struggle is real. I spent the year after my own book pubbed flailing about, trying to find the Next Big Project, forcing myself to write a proposal that never felt quite right. In this flash session, I’ll share my top tips for writers who have just introduced their first book to the world, including how to create your own metrics for success; knowing when to cut yourself a break; allowing yourself creative play; considering the possibility of non-book projects; and remembering what you’re passionate about… and why.
Don’t worry: If your book project is still in the work, you’ll still benefit from the ideas covered here!
About the speaker: Steph Auteri has written for the Atlantic, the Guardian, Pacific Standard, VICE, and other publications. Her more literary work has appeared in Poets & Writers, Creative Nonfiction, Under the Gum Tree, and elsewhere. She is the author of A Dirty Word and the founder of Guerrilla Sex Ed.
What If I Can’t Remember? Using Mistakes of Memory to Write Creative Nonfiction (Wendy Fontaine, assistant flash editor)
Memories fade, morph and sometimes disappear. And yet, we still need to write about them. In this flash session, we will touch on the science behind memory distortion and explore how these so-called mistakes might be useful in unlocking the emotional truth of our experiences.
About the speaker: Wendy Fontaine’s work has appeared in dozens of literary journals and magazines including Pithead Chapel, Hippocampus Magazine, Longridge Review, Creative Nonfiction’s Sunday Reads, Sweet Lit and Yemassee. She has received nonfiction prizes from Identity Theory, Hunger Mountain and Tiferet Journal, as well as nominations to the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net anthologies. A native New Englander, she currently resides in southern California with her daughter and husband.
Heart and Soul: 10 Things Contributors Taught Me About Writing & Life (Kristen Paulson-Nguyen, writing life editor)
Writing Life Editor Kristen Paulson-Nguyen dives deep into the column, rediscovering hard fought wisdom from contributors. She’ll explore timeless topics, from working with your first book editor, to finding the writing groups that help you soar, getting stuck and finding a path forward.
About the speaker: Kristen Paulson-Nguyen is a graduate of GrubStreet’s Memoir and Essay Incubators and has taught courses in flash and the memoir proposal. She edits the Writing Life column for Hippocampus. Through her service Title Doctor, she has titled 17 works of fiction, nonfiction, memoir, a craft book, a memoir-in-essays, and The Writer’s 2021 contest-winning essay. She is querying her memoir
The Web is for Everyone: Accessibility & Inclusivity Tips for Writers & Content Creators (Donna Talarico, founder/managing editor)
As writers engaged in the literary community, it’s likely that you create and/or share content across the digital platforms, including your website, social media, and email. But before you hit send, post, or publish, are you certain what you’re about to share will be accessible to all? In this flash session (geared toward non-techies!), Donna will share wisdom from her day job in content strategy/UX. We’ll cover the basics of web accessibility — what it is and why it matters — and how to become more mindful about the written and multimedia content your create or share online.
About the speaker: Donna Talarico, founder/publisher of Hippocampus Magazine and Books, has more than 25 years of experience in marketing and communications; about half of that time has been in higher education. She serves as an editor for Link Journal (from the HighEdWeb), writes an adult learner recruiting column for Wiley, and has contributed to Guardian Higher Education Network, The Writer, mental_floss, Games World of Puzzles, and others. Her creative nonfiction appears in The Superstition Review, The Los Angeles Review, The Los Angeles Times, and Wanderlust Journal. Donna serves or has served on the faculty of graduate creative writing programs, including Wilkes University and Rosemont College, as well as at Pennsylvania College of Art & Design.
This is ONE OF THREE events we’re hosting the weekend of the 12-13th! Read about all of them here.
(events will be recorded and made available to registered attendees for 30 days)