Create Your Own Friends Level

$xx/month – Create Your Own Friends Level

An customizable level to allow you to support the work Hippocampus Magazine does at a monthly amount that’s comfortable for you.


  • Listing on website (can be anonymous)
  • Friends of Hippocampus vinyl sticker (new design for 2023)
  • One personalized coupon for a Books by Hippocampus purchase through HC website only (for monthly gifts of $10 or more)

(sticker and coupon sent after three months)

Due every month for 12 months



$xx/month – Create Your Own Friends Level

A customizable level to allow you to support the work Hippocampus Magazine does at a monthly amount that’s comfortable for you.


  • Listing on website (can be anonymous)
  • One personalized coupon for a Books by Hippocampus purchase through HC website only (for monthly gifts of $10 or more)

(sticker and coupon sent after three months)

 We’ll be rolling out a revised Friends Program in late 2024; we’ll keep you updated on what’s new!