Flickr Creative Commons: Bugsy
What do you do when no one is looking? What do you have hidden in your desk drawer at work? What are you embarrassed to admit? What helps you through the tough times?
Urban dictionary defines “guilty pleasure” as: something you shouldn’t like but like anyway.
Merriam-Webster defines “vice” as: 1) immoral behavior or habits; and, 2) a moral flaw or weakness.
We want to know yours!
Send us your best piece of creative nonfiction that involves your guilty pleasure or vice (or maybe how you are affected by someone else’s!) by May 15, 2015, to be considered for our theme issue, which goes live in July 2015.
This year’s theme issue was voted on by our readers. After two months of voting between Firsts, Guilty Pleasures and Vices, Colors, or Nostalgia, our voters chose a winner. Firsts was a close second.
Our previous theme issues: 2012, rock ‘n’ roll; 2013, road trips; 2014, weather and mother nature.
Really, really too bad you eschew poetry — as some things can be poetically condensed easier and more potently than an essay. And I did not KNOW that (no poetry) until after I sent one for submission. After all, your designation of “creative nonfiction” does cover poetry. In the future, be more concise, please. Just add “No poetry” to your submissions listings.
Saves everyone the rejection.