Category: Essays

Road Warrior by Vicki Mayk

picture of the city of pittsburgh pa in an atlas

My father never had a driver’s license during my lifetime. Family photos showing him behind the wheel of a 1950 Buick sedan proved he must have been a driver before I was born. I’d once asked my mother why he gave it up.

Blazer by Camille Griep

burned out blazer with mountains in distance

When we bought the Blazer, it was a kind of joke…Caught between city lives we loved and the country lives we’d been born into, we were torn between being the sort of people who owned a vehicle like that and people who scorned people who owned a vehicle like that.

The Sky’s the Limit by Alice Lowe

old, tattered baseball in field of grass, lonely

He started with T-ball at five—tiny tykes swinging eagerly, determinedly, sometimes tearfully, in a fierce contest with a stationary ball—and stayed with it through the finely honed and competitively groomed “majors,” the top rung of Little League.