In this installment of Meet the Team, we talk to devoted and loooong-time Hippo reader Anthony J. Mohr.
We’re always pleased to share updates from our family of contributor-alumni and HippoCamp presenters. Here’s what we’ve collected between our last update now; most of these were submitted via our form, but we also try to keep an eye for exciting news you share on social and your own newsletters. But we can’t catch everything,…
Together, the editorial teams of Fourth Genre, Hippocampus Magazine, River Teeth, and Under the Gum Tree announce the line-up for what’s become a much-awaited annual offsite event at the AWP — our affectionate shorthand for the annual conference sponsored by the Association for Writers and Writing Programs. This 2024 AWP Conference & Book Fair takes…
We’re always pleased to share updates from our family of contributor-alumni and HippoCamp presenters. Here’s what we’ve collected between our last update now; most of these were submitted via our form, but we also try to keep an eye for exciting news you share on social and your own newsletters. But we can’t catch everything,…
This year at Hippocampus Magazine we published 50+ pieces of creative nonfiction from emerging and established writers, and we are extremely proud of the brave, unique, and compelling voices we get to share with our readers in each issue. And every year, as award nomination deadlines loom, we’re faced with an incredible challenge. We are…
HippoCamp: A Conference for Creative Nonfiction may be on hiatus (aiming for a 2025 return), but the team at Hippocampus Magazine is still bringing CNF knowledge and know-how to you through a trio of event series. Individual events will be listed on our Events Calendar about a quarter in advance, allowing you to plan ahead…