Category: Hippocampus News

The Rock ‘n’ Roll Issue: Seeking Submissions

Music and memories: two words closely related. In July 2012, our online magazine will turn into a mix tape of sorts, belting out originals from an array of wordsmiths. Hippocampus Magazine invites you to share your music-inspired story in our first rock ‘n’ roll issue. There’s a reason so many timeless hits are those story-songs…

Editor’s Notes: February 2012

The February issue is live! This issue may feature a photo of heart-shaped ravioli on the homepage, but don’t let that fool you: this image is attached to a story about a would-be romantic dinner where our author opens mouth and, instead, inserts foot–not pasta.

Hippocampus Reader Survey 2012

computer mouse with survey checkboxes

Wow. It’s been a full year since we made our first call for submissions, launched our website and brought Hippcampus to life. And we’ve been sharing fresh creative nonfiction from established and emerging authors since May 2011. During this whole time we’ve been making friends, gaining followers and, most of all, having fun. When I…

Insider Tips: Nathan Evans

blue keyboard key with i

… it would be easy to say that’s why I read for the magazine – because they published me, or because they asked me, but actually there’s more to the answer than that. The reason why I read for Hippo is because I really believe in what it’s doing and the sort of writing it seeks to publish and promote.

Our Pushcart Prize Nominees for 2011

Hippocampus Magazine is delighted to share our Pushcart nominees for this year — our inaugural year: Holy Tribunal, Jane Hammons (essay, July 2011) Scraping the Bottom, Nancy Brandwein (essay, August 2011) Word, Lori M. Myers (essay, September 2011) The Thing That Worked, Ben Jolivet (essay, October 2011) X-rays Are My Souvenirs, Susan Rukeyser (essay, November…

Insider Tips: Austin DeMarco

Artists need a venue for their work because art in its truest form is meant to be shared. I read for Hippocampus because I want to help writers share their voice. That and I get to read all these great stories before anybody else!

Editor’s Notes: December 2011

donna in shirt that says i heart sants

Are you still eating leftovers? If not, don’t worry—it’s leftover season; there are bound to be plenty more on the way as we move into December and into the holiday season. Speaking of leftovers, we have some final business to take care of from last month’s issue: