Submit Your Response to This Month’s Prompt: June 2014

the word prompts inside brackets

Everyone can get involved with Hippocampus Magazine with Prompts! Each month we post a new creative nonfiction prompt, inspired by a real-life event; fact is stranger than fiction and if we experience something unbelievable, we know that others must have a similar story.

How to submit:

Submit your 300-word-or-less response to this prompt by the 20th of the month using the contact form below: (note that you don’t have to use the prompt verbatim in your story)

Something on my desk.

Due June 20; Published in July 2014 issue

We’ll share a selection of the best submissions–plus the story that inspired this prompt–in the next issue. Note that your {prompts} submission doesn’t have to include the {prompt} verbatim. Remember: we’re looking for true stories! And, if you are too shy to share, feel free to use this activity as a writing exercise for yourself!

Submit Your Prompt

We suggest writing and editing in a Word document and then coming back to this page to post when your submission is ready.

By submitting your prompt you agree to have your submission, first name and location published in Hippocampus Magazine. We reserve the right to edit submissions. There is no guarantee that we will publish your submission. Due to volume, we cannot respond to individual entries.

How should name appear, if selected?




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