Category: Hippocampus News

Prompts: October ’11

Everyone can get involved with Hippocampus Magazine with {prompts}! Each month, we’ll post a new creative nonfiction prompt, inspired by a real-life event. Fact is stranger than fiction–if we experience something unbelievable, others must have a similar story.

Insider Tips: Fran Young

Insider Tips is a recurring series in which members of our reading panel and editorial staff share advice about submitting to Hippocampus Magazine. Each Insider Tips Q & A column reflects the opinions of the individual interviewed, not the magazine as a whole. We hope you find this helpful!

Prompts: A New, Interactive Feature

the word prompts inside brackets

Everyone can get involved with Hippocampus Magazine with {prompts}! Each month, we’ll post a new creative nonfiction prompt, inspired by a real-life event. Fact is stranger than fiction–if we experience something unbelievable, others must have a similar story. Submit your response to the {prompt} below; submissions should be 300 words or less and submitted by…

Insider Tips: Lori M. Myers

Insider Tips is a recurring series in which members of our reading panel and editorial staff share advice about submitting to Hippocampus Magazine. Each Insider Tips Q & A column reflects the opinions of the individual interviewed, not the magazine as a whole. We hope you find this helpful! Advice from Lori M. Myers: 1.…

Editor’s Notes: October 2011

What terrifies you? I mean, really frightens you to the point where you triple-check that closet door and, perhaps, force yourself to stay awake in fear of slipping into a horrifying nightmare? For a young Ben Jolivet, it was the Time-Life Mysteries of the Unknown commercials.

September 2011: Editor’s Notes

Earthquakes and hurricanes made for a memorable August, at least for East Coasters. The end of August means the beginning of a new school year for some, and, for many, one last summer vacation. Perhaps you are even reading this email from the beach.

August 2011: Editor’s Notes

It’s hard to believe we’re on our fourth issue! It’s been eight months since we launched our website and, soon, we’ll be a year old! Well, we won’t rush that. One issue at a time…

Join us: Writer and editor positions available at Hippocampus

Hippocampus Magazine is growing its (volunteer) staff. If you love creative nonfiction and have some time to devote to this new, online literary magazine, consider joining our team. We can’t pay you. But, we will shower you with much affection and appreciation, something even the guys and gals who make the big bucks don’t often…