2016 Theme Issue Announced: Firsts

number one painted on a wall and theme issue details listed firsts deadline 4/15There’s a first time for everything…

Maybe, upon hearing that phrase, the 90s smash country hit from Little Texas popped into your head. Or maybe something else came to mind.

The first time you ______?

Or maybe the your first ______?

2016 will be a year of firsts for Hippocampus Magazine!

For our 2016 theme issue, which hits in July, we’re looking for works of creative nonfiction, of up to 3,500 words, that explore “firsts.” We’ll leave the interpretation up to you. While we know we’ll see first kiss and “first time” stories, don’t be afraid to get creative with the “firsts” theme. We’re looking for variety!

We’ll pick up to a dozen stories that fit the “firsts” theme to share in our July 2016 issue.

We at Hippocampus absolutely love putting together these special issues. Our previous theme issues: 2012, rock ‘n’ roll; 2013, road trips; 2014, weather and mother nature; 2015, guilty pleasures and vices.

Best of luck to you!

Submit Now.

P.S. In case “There’s First Time for Everything” really did pop in your head, and you want to reminisce with us, (or hear it for the first time), please enjoy the video below.

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